Designing a website for your restaurant can be an overwhelming task. You not only have to think about layouts and themes but menus, services, and reservations as well. There is a lot to keep in mind in just the beginning stages of development. While everything varies from website to website there are a few key features that remain the same in the restaurant industry.

Simple Content

A good website for a restaurant should have a clear and concise layout. Make sure it is informative without filling the pages with paragraphs of information. A home page, about us, menu, and contact form should be enough for your initial launch. More pages can be added later if you find there is a need for them. Make sure to not overcomplicate your site’s navigation as well. Users can make up their minds about a site in seconds and if they can’t find what they want almost immediately you could lose a possible customer. 

Easy-To-Use Contact Form

Customers appreciate businesses that listen to their concerns and suggestions. While it is important to make sure your email address and phone number are on your restaurant website it is not enough. A message field will open a line of communication that you might not have had before without one. 

Be Social Strong Visuals

High-quality images and graphics are a must-have for any website. Photographs of the food, ambiance and even the furniture can make a huge impact on your website’s success. It is not just about getting good images for your site either. Strong imagery isn’t just a need for your website. They can be a powerful tool on your social media pages. By sharing mouth-watering images of what you are serving on multiple platforms you will be able to stir up excitement for your restaurant.

These are just a few tips to get you started but there are dozens more designs and features that can influence your website’s success. Reach out to our team. We can help clearly define your goals and help you achieve everyone. Your website should fully reflect how amazing your restaurant is.

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